Friday, October 13, 2023



Confused about what to choose: blonde, get bangs, or a shortcut? No worries, it usually happens with many individuals. Besides, there are always some things that you need to consider primarily,  everything from products required to maintain, the upkeep and time needed to keep your hair looking its best.

So, if you’re planning to get a new look, do not make a dramatic decision. Before that, you have to decide wisely and ensure about the change in your hairstyle. Let’s have a look at the key points that you should consider while getting a fresh hair look

Key Considerations When Changing Your Hairstyle

  • Don’t Just Chop It Off

It may look tempting to make a big change to your hair with a daring cut that just popping in your Instagram feed. There is no doubt that a drastic haircut offers you a sense of pleasure but, is it a right change for you? 

Well, rushing into a new haircut or color without considering these possibilities could leave you in a depressing situation. Also, you have to play a waiting game before you can get back to your usual length. However, you may consider the following things for better results: 

  • Will This Suit Your Face Shape And Hair Texture?

The shape of the face and texture of the hair matters when it comes to choosing a new hairstyle. As both of these things vary from person to person, and not every cut will suit everyone. So, it’s important to be confident about what style you are choosing. 

For example, if you have really curly hair baby bangs might not suit your hair texture but you could always opt for a longer style of fringe to achieve a similar look.

If you’re unsure if the style you want will suit your face shape and hair texture, a good stylist can suggest the most flattering cuts for both.

  • Are you prepared to deal with the upkeep of this look?

Something we don’t often consider when running after a particular hairstyle is the upkeep.

Consider shorter styles, some short haircuts can be as simple as wash-and-wear while others require heavy styling to look good. These styles might also require specific product usage or more frequent visits to the salon which can make it more expensive to maintain in the long run.

  • How will you feel about this look in a few months?

Trends come and go so when it comes to your hair make sure you’re thinking long-term. After all, it’s easy to pick out a costume from the closet, but have you ever tried to grow out bangs?

If you’re determined to try this style even if it’s only going to work short term, try using applications that will simulate the new style on your photos or pulling your hair back in the mirror to simulate shorter hair or bangs. Do not forget to develop a plan for the grow-out stage.

  • Change In Hair Colour

Maybe a drastic cut isn’t for you, what about color changes? Well, they also need some considerations. Depending on the history of your hair color you might not be able to safely take your hair to a certain shade without sacrificing some length or the quality of your hair to processing damage.

Essentially, changing up your colour can be fun but be sure you know the basics.

  • Blonde

Almost every girl considers going blonde at one point or another but it’s not as easy as one bleach and tone session, especially if you have a long history of dying your hair.

Do you know that color builds up over time, especially boxed dye and when you go blonde it all needs to be stripped away? This usually requires some strong chemicals so it’s best to go blonde in a salon with the help of a professional and make the change in stages.

Also, be sure to discuss the upkeep with your hairstylist—blonde hair tends to show roots very quickly, and you’ll need to stay on top of them or get some fantastic highlight work to camouflage. If your color starts to get brassy, tone it with a purple shampoo such as AG Hair Sterling Silver Toning Shampoo.

  • Red

Who wouldn’t love gorgeous red tresses? But red is not a color you want to try on a whim, especially if your hair is naturally lighter, red is a difficult color to get out of your hair.

In fact, even if you’re trying to achieve another color, treated hair can go brassy. So really give this one some thought, and if you make the plunge and aren’t happy with the results, work with a professional to phase the color out.

  • Brunette

The best part of brunette is that it is the easiest color to achieve at home or in the salon. Make sure you choose a shade with the keywords you want to be reflected in your color. Blonde hair usually requires a warmer base when going brunette to avoid an ashy greenish color.

Whichever color you choose, be sure to invest in products to soothe your color-treated hair and protect it from environmental damage like fading.

Manipulate Hair Studio

Want to pamper yourself then go for Manipulate Hair Studio, the ultimate hairdresser in Sydney, it provides you with a stunning experience. Moreover, talented hairstylists can style your hair the way you want it. It’s not just pamper you but also provides you with a fresh look. 


In Brief, a change in your hairstyle alters your entire personality, so it is essential to be careful while choosing a hair look. There are numerous things that are mentioned above that you can consider while making a decision to change your hairstyle. If you’re perplexed in selecting any of the styles that will go well with your personality, you may take the help of a good hairdresser or reach out to our best hairstylist near your location.


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